Thursday, November 4, 2010

Big Help Mob

this youth initiative of Youth Tree, an organisation based in Perth. Big Help Mob is a 100-strong rent-a-crowd of young people who get together to do superhuman acts of awesomeness for non-profits and communities in Perth. In their words -"One day it's planting 10 000 trees in a few hours, the next it's renovating a community centre or cleaning up a place that's been forgotten and trashed. Nothing is too big for Big Help Mob and we're not afraid to get our hands dirty... all 200 of them. Once the hands-on mission is accomplished with near-lightning speed, we celebrate with enormous, ridiculous flash mobs in public, using our superpowers to draw attention to good causes that need it."
For more information, check out the following websites Big Mob Help  and Youth Tree.

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