Monday, July 26, 2010

Speakers for next year

Great list of speakers at the 13th National Conference on Volunteering Program has now been released!  
  • Mr Bernard Salt,leading commentator and advisor on consumer, cultural and demographic trends who has earned an international reputation as a trend forecaster for business and government
  • Ms Elaine Bradley, CEO of Volunteering Ireland
  • Professor Peter Shergold AC, Macquarie group Foundation Professor at the Centre for Social Impact
  • Senator Ursula Stephens, Parliamentary Secretary for Social Inclusion and the Voluntary Sector
  • Mr Patrick McClure AO, Ethics Fellow, Not-For-Profit Sector(a joint initiative of the Centre for Social Impact, University of New South Wales and the St James Ethics Centre).
  • Kenn Allen founder and president of the Civil Society Consulting Group LLC
  • Sarah Hayes Director of the Global Corporate Volunteer Council, International Association for Volunteer Effort (USA)
  • Mr Ron Edwards, Australian Social Inclusion Board Member, Board member of the Graham (Polly) Farmer Foundation
  • click above to read more

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